Can you guess what this is???

We now have had 5 straight weekends of nasty winter weather. The poor cattle on the south eastern plains are suffering tremenduously. Yes you read it right; this is a cow! I am furious. The first blizzard hit really hard down there, but they had plenty of warning. Why didn't the ranchers round up the cattle in advance so they didn't have to go and search for them later on? Now they can't get hay and water to them. I have it on good authority that some ranchers would rather let the cattle die and get re-imbursed for their losses than make the effort to rescue them. Thousands of cattle have died so far.
In knitting news; I frogged Lady Eleanor. I need to go down a needle size or two and then start again. Maybe someday. I couldn't help myself, I *had* to cast on for the Skeppsta by Cornelia Tuttle Hamilton. I used the same Noro Transitions colorway as Maus, but I omitted all the greens and blues. Ended up using 14! skeins, but it was well worth it. I can always use the blues and greens for something else.

While the Skeppsta was blocking, I just had to cast on for my next stop on the "Knit-With-Noro"-trip; the Fitzmaurice by Jane ellison in Silk Garden colorway 84. I am enthralled. I am having a vey hard time getting the colors to show true in a picture. They are so deep and rich, and the Silk Garden is a joy to work with.

My husband had a work party last weekend in the Denver Downtown Aquarium. Boy was that neat! It was so nice to be walking around in semi-darkness looking at all the fish and other critters. I had never been there before, and had a grand ole time.
The weather guru's are calling for a new round of winter storms next weekend. GAAAAAHHHH!!!