Progress, and Mystery Stole 3
Time flies, and progress is evident in the smallest of things.
This was Trouble when she was just a few weeks old....
Here she is in the same food bowl, only now she really doesn't fit in there anymore.....
We are also making progress with the greenhouse....
It's not done yet, but we're getting there. It is just too hot to spend any significant amount of time outside working in the sun.
This weekend we had our first real meal from the veggie garden; golden wax beans and green pole beans. They tasted so good!
And finally, I jumped on the Mystery Stole 3 bandwagon and finished the first clue last night. I have been having so much fun trying to guess the theme of the stole, and maybe it is wishful thinking, but I seem to be seeing the head of a goat developing. I dragged out some lovely dark blue zephyr from my stash and used clear seed beads. This is my first time working beeds into a design without having them pre-strung on the yarn, and it is actually easier than I thought. Now I have to wait until Friday for the next clue.
Have a great week everybody, and stay cool!
Cute pics of Trouble!!
Trouble is so cute and your MS3 to-be is beautiful.
OK, I gave up on a perfect swatch for MS3. I did a few right side rows, kinda blocked it in my hand on the needles and called it good. The YOs are fine... needle vs thread are compatable. I gave up on the chart and am writing it out. I think I keep messing up - when I lose my place on the card.. don't know why... i've used post it notes, pencil, etc. At least now I can "see" what it lookes like for real.. thanks for the picture
Double Wow! Your MS3 is off to a fantastic start! After seeing so many, yours is the ONLY one that I can see the beads on!
It's perfect!!
Ellen... aaahhh, what a cutie Trouble is! How neat that you will have a greenhouse. Please keep us up with the progress. That'a a beautiful site for it!
Ellen, I have tagged you for Seven Random Thoughts About Myself... see my blog for more info!
Your mystery stole sure is pretty, I like the beads! And the goat is too funny, he reminds me of a cat I once had who did the same thing, not believing he'd outgrown his favorite spot!
I bet your greenhouse is finished by now, it looks great.
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