Wicked Witch of the Wool

My adventures in knitting and my daily life on the farm.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Who can guess what kind of fiber this is?

Look what I got yesterday.... What kind of fiber do you think this is? I'll reveal the source in my next post.

Today I had my first manual therapy session to relieve the pain I'm having from my herniated disc and sciatica. Holy moly! They had me do stretches and I nearly went through the roof. Lucky me get to go 3 times a week for the next 4 weeks. :-(

The weather is starting to change. Tomorow will bring a high in the 60's, and I'm so looking forward to it. Funny how at the end of a season I can't wait for the change. Soon the scrub oak will turn brilliantly red and gold, and with most of our acreage covered in those scrubs, it will be such a gorgeous sight. I promise I'll get some pictures when the time comes.
I've lived in Colorado for nearly 6 years now, and this is the first summer I have experienced the monsoon. The previous summers have all been extremely dry. Our pasture was always dead by the time July came around, but this year it's still nice and green. The horses are really happy with this change; they get to escape from the paddock and gallop around the pasture.

This picture is of Agapito de Luna (Pito for short), when he was a baby and running around in the arena.

Oh by the way, the spaghetti mess of my center pull ball yesterday has been resolved. I ultimately had to cut it and unravel it from 2 sides. I am so thankful that I have another skein of this yarn. The pattern calls for 875 yards and 100 grams, and that is precicely what I have per skein. The pattern also says that they had 10 grams left at the end. I can barely finish chart 3 with my first skein...... Aww, man! I just looked at the pattern again. It calls for size 3 needles. Guess what, I'm knitting on size 6! No wonder I'm using a lot more yarn. Shite, this shawl is going to a gigantic monster! Glad to find that out when I have 28 rows left. Not! Oh well, I'm a big girl. Maybe it won't be so bad. Sheesh!
Ok, I'm going to go sulk in a corner.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck with physical therapy.

No guess on the fiber, but something yummy?

I always look forward to spring and summer and dread going to fall or winter. I don't handle the cold very well. (I could have waited until next year for the monsoon, though. School didn't leave me anytime to mow my yard when it was semi dry, and now that we have dry days, I'm spending two - three hours at a time chopping down 4-5 foot tall weeds (my yard was overgrown when I bought the house, so I have 1/5 acre of weeds that tall and zero grass. Yuck.))

Thu Aug 31, 06:50:00 PM 2006  

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